Program to Improve Work Conditions Launched

Amena Afzali, Minister of Work, Social Affairs, Martyred, and Disabled

Amena Afzali, Afghanistan’s Minister of Work, Social Affairs, Martyred, and Disabled told reporters today that the Afghan government, working with representatives of labor and union, and with support from the International Labor Organization (ILO) and the United Nations have launched a program to create better working conditions for Afghans, especially for women, children and people with disabilities. “A decent work program is vital for Afghanistan,” said Afzali.

The program, called the Decent Work Country Program (DWCP) will promote and apply international labor standards, and promote productive employment through labor market information and skill development.

The expected outcomes of DWCP  include setting up a minimum wage for skilled and unskilled workers, like they have in many western countries like the United States, as well as contribute to the elimination of child labor in Afghanistan.

July 17, 2010 · admin · One Comment
Posted in: Afghanistan's Economy, Human Rights

One Response

  1. Frishta Suha - July 18, 2010

    Hello, I work with the military here in the U.S. and just last week we were discussing this very same subject. Please let me know of how I may help and keep me posted on this subject and organization.
    Thank you so very much.

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