Reports: Mega poultry farm to be setup in Nangarhar and a new school building inaugurated in Faryab
The foundation stone for a mega poultry farm was laid yesterday in the Kama district of Afghanistan’s eastern province of Nangarhar, according to a Pajhwok Afghan News report. Senior officials told the news agency that it will employ over 1000 Afghan men and women, and that the project is expected to take three and half years to complete. Mohammad Asif Rahimi, Afghanistan’s Agriculture Minister, said in a news conference that the project will boost the local economy, and serve as a good alternative to poppy cultivation in the province.
Last week, Afghanistan’s Bakhtar News Agency reported that a new building for a middle school in the Doulatabad district of Faryab province was inaugurated. According to Afghan education ministry officials, the new building took one year to build, and it has seven classrooms, 4 administrative rooms, as well as other educational facilities.
January 16, 2012
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Posted in: Afghanistan's Economy, Education, Job Creation, Reconstruction and Development, Women's Rights
2 Responses
sangar - January 20, 2012
nice work
Romeo - January 30, 2012
I would really like to give thanks so much for the work you have made in writing this article.
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